Drage studentice i studenti,
Iskoristite priliku i prijavite se na Erasmus natječaje Sveučilišta u Rijeci i ostvarite mobilnost na nekoj od inozemnih visokoškolskih institucija u Europskoj uniji, Norveškoj, Islandu, Lihtenštajnu, Turskoj, Srbiji ili Makedoniji!
Sveučilište u Rijeci ima potpisane Erasmus ugovore o suradnji s više od 660 institucija u sljedećim zemljama: Austriji, Belgiji, Bugarskoj, Cipru, Češkoj, Danskoj, Estoniji, Finskoj, Francuskoj, Grčkoj, Italiji, Latviji, Litvi, Mađarskoj, Makedoniji, Malti, Nizozemskoj, Norveškoj, Njemačkoj, Poljskoj, Portugalu, Rumunjskoj, Slovačkoj, Sloveniji, Srbiji, Španjolskoj, Švedskoj i Turskoj.
Koordinator za mobilnost
- Doc. dr.sc. Christian Reynolds, ERASMUS koordinator
- Doc. dr. sc. Željka Minić, zamjenica ERASMUS koordinatora; e-mail: erasmus.povjerenstvo@biotech.uniri.hr
- izv.prof.dr.sc. Nicholas J Bradshaw, BioYUFE koordinator
- Klara Mladenić, koordinatorica za pomoć dolaznim studentima
Centar za međunarodnu mobilnost / ERASMUS
Kampus Sveučilišta u Rijeci
Zgrada Građevinskog fakulteta (soba G-033)
Radmile Matejčić 3, HR-51000 Rijeka
Tel. 584-840, 584-841, 584-842, 584-843, 583-844
www.uniri.hr (O sveučilištu, Međunarodna suradnja i Erasmus)
ERASMUS kontakti:
- Maša Šašinka, rukovoditeljica Centra
- Brigita Gašparović
- Patrizia Pelčić
- Marijana Tomić Marinović
- Matea Lozančić
E-mail: international@uniri.hr
BioYUFE is a collaboration between biology and life science faculties of eight European universities, designed to allow our students to experience teaching from a variety of fields and countries. Rijeka and FABRI are at the heart of this effort. Full details will be published on our English language website, and feel free to contact izv. prof dr. sc. Nicholas Bradshaw (nicholas.b@biotech.uniri.hr) for more information.
Currently the list of activities available are:
- Online elective courses, to be taken in addition to or in place of elective courses in our regular masters program
- Webinars held every two months on research topics
Summer school for students, with the first two being held in Finland and Poland
Incomming mobility
Dear ERASMUS student,
Congratulations on having been selected as an exchange student for the University of Rijeka! The International Mobility Erasmus Office is looking forward to meeting you in Rijeka!
Before You start with the application procedure make sure Your University sends an official nomination through the Online Erasmus nominations form.
There has to be a bilateral agreement with the partner university signed for the relevant field of study, a student has to be nominated for this field of study only.
With present Welcome Letter we would like to offer you some more information about academic calendar, courses, admission, residence permit, health insurance, accommodation.
In order to apply for admission at the University of Rijeka you need to fill in the Online Erasmus Application Form and upload all relevant documents:
- Erasmus Application Form (filled in electronically and signed by student and sending institution coordinators)
- Learning Agreement proposal (signed by student and sending institution coordinators)
- Transcript of Records (in English language, signed by authorized persons)
- Copy of Passport or ID card– 1 passport-size photo
Deadlines for Erasmus nomination/application:
- 1 June/10 June – winter semester and full year
- 1 November/10 November – summer semester
STUDY IN CROATIA – All relevant Information on studying and living in Croatia
Documents needed in Rijeka
University of Rijeka International Student Guide 2024
The list of relevant student’s doctors
Office hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 am – 10:30 am, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Reception of students
Erasmus International Mobility Centre
University Campus (building of the Faculty of Civil Engineering)
Radmile Matejčić 3, groundfloor, room G-033
51000 Rijeka, Croatia
Note that your home coordinator needs to sign and stamp the Erasmus Student Application form (part that refers to sending institution), confirming your student status at your university, your nomination for the exchange programme and your sufficient knowledge of English!
Students with Special Needs
University of Rijeka welcomes students with special needs.
You are entitled to a higher Erasmus grant to help You with the specific difficulties with which you are faced. Ask the Erasmus coordinator of your home university about the application procedure in your home country (application deadline, where you can obtain the application form, where to submit your application form etc. Your home university along with the National Agency will assess your application and will decide on the additional amount you may receive.
UNIRI has an Office for Students with Special Needs within the University Counseling Center In order to provide conditions for quality and equally accessible education for current and future students with disabilities.
Information for incoming students and staff with physical, mental or health-related conditions:
Data protection
Personal data are confidential and will only be treated with regards to your application and participation in the Erasmus+ programme according to the national law. Office for Students and Staff with Special Needs (disability): Tel.: 051 265-844
More information / Erasmus+ reference
- Green Erasmus+: Recommendations to participants for greener mobility within the Erasmus+ programme, see here.
- ExchangeAbility projekt http://exchangeability.eu/
- ExchangeAbility video sadržaji https://exchangeability.esn.org/videos-of-interest
- Erasmus+ Ambassadors https://exchangeability.esn.org/meet-the-ambassadors
- European Commission – Erasmus+ https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/node_en
- Erasmus+ National Agency – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU www.ampeu.hr
- ESN Rijeka
- Information for Ukrainian students
Previous Erasmus experiences:
Odlazna mobilnost
Natječaji Sveučilišta u Rijeci
- Natječaj za studijski boravak u zimskom semestru / cijeloj akademskoj godini 2025./2026.
- Natječaj za STRUČNU PRAKSU u 2024./ 2026.
- Natječaj za STRUČNU PRAKSU u SVIM ZEMLJAMA SVIJETA koje nisu pridružene programu u 2024./2026.
- Natječaj za mobilnost studenata u okviru Blended Intensive Programa (BIP-a) u 2024./2026. – trajno otvoren natječaj
- YUFE Erasmus Natječaj za studijski boravak u ljetnom semestru ak. godine 2024./2025.
Opći uvjeti sudjelovanja
- Mobilnost se može ostvariti isključivo na visokoškolskim ustanovama kojima je dodijeljen Erasmus University Charter i s kojima sveučilište u Rijeci ima potpisan Erasmus ugovor o suradnji, osim u slučaju studentske prakse i stručnog usavršavanja osoblja.
- Matična ustanova mora studentima priznati ECTS bodove ili druga postignuća ostvarena tijekom mobilnosti.
- Inozemnoj ustanovi ne plaćaju se školarine i naknade.
- Nije dopušteno dvostruko financiranje, studenti i osoblje ne mogu dobiti financijsku potporu u sklopu Erasmusa ukoliko će njihov boravak biti dodatno financiran iz fondova Europske unije.
- Studenti i osoblje imaju obavezu sklopiti policu zdravstvenog osiguranja za vrijeme trajanja mobilnosti.
- Student može dobiti Erasmus financijsku potporu za mobilnosti u ukupnom trajanju od 12 mjeseci za svaku razinu studija: preddiplomsku, diplomsku i poslijediplomsku, neovisno o vrsti mobilnosti (studijski boravak, stručna praksa, BIP).
- Studenti i osoblje s invaliditetom imaju pravo na uvećani iznos financijske potpore.
- Studenti koji u trenutku prijave na ovaj Natječaj pohađaju posljednju godinu preddiplomskog studija, a prijavljuju se za realizaciju studijskog boravka tijekom prve godine diplomskog studija, smiju se prijaviti na mobilnost samo u ljetnom semestru.
- Student na inozemnoj instituciji mora upisati najmanje 20 ECTS bodova, a ostvariti najmanje 15 ECTS bodova u jednom semestru.
- Studenti koji će na inozemnoj instituciji pisati završni ili diplomski rad ili doktorsku disertaciju, a na matičnoj ustanovi je izvršio sve svoje druge obveze, dužan je na inozemnoj instituciji upisati i položiti najmanje jedan izborni predmet koji nosi minimalno 4 ECTS boda, a koji će mu se po povratku evidentirati u Dopunskoj ispravi o studiju.
Korisni linkovi
- UNIRI natječaji
- Agencija za mobilnost www.mobilnost.hr (Erasmus+)
- Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Rijeka
- https://www.facebook.com/ErasmusRijeka/ esn.rijeka@gmail.com
- Traženje prakse: